Blessed Training in Partnership

Tandi, Bharatpur and Kawasoti (TaBKa) City Team, 8th-10th August. The 3 days LTI organized in
Shaktikhor by the team in partnership with the Chepang Development Center, Shaktikhor had been a blessing to the trainers and trainees both. There were 35 Chepang tribe people who participated in the training. Most among them were Pastors and leaders. 7 of our staffs  taught there well by the grace of God. The purpose of the training was to train them the method of sharing the gospel personally from  the Four Spiritual Laws booklets and encourage them to help fulfil the Great Commission of Jesus Christ in their influence areas. Though they were eager to share the gospel they had no idea to share. It was through this training they came to know how to share the gospel by using the Four Spiritual Laws booklet. They were very much impressed, encouraged and blessed by the training. They were very thankful and expected such kind of training in the coming days too. Our staffs are very grateful to God who provided such a privilege to them. They are planning and praying to organize more training in future.

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