Why did Jesus Die on the Cross?

              At the beginning of the Gospel of Mark we read that Jesus is the Messiah (that is a king) and Son of God (1:1), that John the Baptist prepares the way of the Lord (1:2-3) and that the kingdom of God has come near (1:15). The reader of the Gospel has great expectations of  Jesus ministry. But where is the kingdom? What sort of king is Jesus? Sometimes Jesus greatness is seen but many things remain unclear. Through his miracles Jesus shows his power and authority and through the parables he teaches about the kingdom of God. But most people when they see the miracles and hear the parables do not understand who Jesus is and do not receive the kingdom of God.

                Furthermore we learn that Jesus did not come to be served but to serve  (Mark 10:45). What sort of king is he? Finally Jesus is crucified as a criminal. IF Jesus is God's anointed king why does he die on a cross?

What does Mark's Gospel teach about Jesus death? We see these two main points:

1. Jesus death is not an unexpected surprise
At the time of Jesus baptism the voice from heaven announces that Jesus is the Servant of the Lord with reference to Isaiah 42:1. What is the work of the Servant of the Lord? Isaiah says that the Servant's work is to carry our unrighteousness (Isaiah 53:4-6).From the beginning of Jesus ministry he knows that he must serve and suffer and die for the sins of others. 
From Mark 2:1 the Pharisees and other Jewish Leaders oppose Jesus. Though large crowds seek to see and hear Jesus there is also much opposition.

After peter confesses, "You are the Messiah" (Mark 8:29) Jesus Begins to give clear teaching about his death. Jesus does not want to die on the cross (Mark 14:36) but he knows that it is necessary for him to die. Is according to the will of God that Jesus must die on the cross.

2. Jesus death is not a failure of defeat
We learn the meaning of Jesus death from several passages of Mark's Gospel. It is not a great disaster but it is the means of many blessings.

i.               Mark 10:45 Jesus the Son of man has come to give his life as a ransom for many. The meaning of giving his life is that Jesus will die of his own will. We all need deliverance or salvation because we sinners are slaves of our sin. God must pay the ransom price so that we may receive forgiveness of sins. Jesus says that he himself pays the price of deliverance from sin by dying in our place.
ii.            Mark 14:23-24. Also at the Lord's Supper Jesus interprets his death. He says "This is body" and "This is my blood of the new covenant which is poured our for many." The blood of the lamb killed in Egypt protected the Israelites from God's judgment (Exodus 12:21-28, Especially verse 27). Similarly we are protected from God's judgment by Jesus death. After the Israelites came out of Egypt they came to Mount Sinai. There God made a covenant with them. At that time Moses sprinkled the blood of the sacrifice on the people (Exodus 24:1-8, especially verse 8). That blood was the blood of the old covenant. At the Lord's Supper Jesus says, "This cup (namely my death) is the blood of the new covenant." Because Jesus dies on the cross God makes a covenant for the forgiveness of  sins.
iii.           Mark 15:33. The darkness which covers the land is a symbol of God's judgment against sin. Because God is completely holy he cannot look at anything evil (Habakkuk 1:13). For that reason he cannot look at Jesus when he is carrying our sin on the cross.
iv.            Mark 15:38. The torn curtain of the temple is a symbol of Jesus victory. In the old temple the curtain prevented access into the most holy place (that is into God's presence). But now it is possible to come into God's presence because of Jesus death.
                     a.   Jesus death was an unexpected surprise.
                     b.  Jesus death was a failure.
                     c.  Jesus death paid the price to deliver sinners.
                    d. Though Jesus died on the cross he is a king.
                    e.  Jesus is like the lamb killed in Egypt.
               f. Only from Paul's teaching do we learn the meaning of Jesus death.


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