What is the meaning of Kingdom of God?

In Mark's Gospel the kingdom of God is mentioned in the following verses: 1:15, 4:11,26,30, 9:1, 47, 10:14, 15, 23, 24, 25, 12:34, 14:25,  15:43.

1.   What is the kingdom of God?

The meaning of "Kingdom of God" id that God is king. Whenever and wherever God reigns that is the kingdom of God. Whoever accepts God as their king in that person's life the kingdom of God has come.

2.   What is the connection of the kingdom of God with Jesus?

Jesus announces that the kingdom of God has come near (Mark 1:15). The Kingdom has come near because Jesus himself has come. The kingdom of God is fully seen in the life of Jesus because fully obeys the will of God.

In Mark 3:23-27 Jesus work of establishing the kingdom is seen. By what power does Jesus cast out demons? In the opinion of the scribes it was by the power of Satan (verse 22). However it was not by the power of Satan but by the power of God that Jesus casts out demons. The strong man (verse 27) is Satan. By binding Satan Jesus is able to plunder his house. Wherever Jesus casts out demons and does other good works, there he binds Satan and establishes the kingdom of God.

In other ways as well the kingdom of God is seen is Jesus ministry. In Mark 2:5-7 Jesus forgives the man's sins and in 4:41 he calms the storm. He performs these acts by the power and authority of God.

3.   When does the kingdom of God come?
               This question can be answered in four ways:

i.                 From the beginning God has been king of this world and of the whole creation. This is the testimony of the Old Testament as in Psalm 93:10, 97:1. But also in the Old Testament another perspective is perspective is presented because the kingdom of God was not fully established at that time: only in the future would it be established (Psalm 2, Isaiah 24:23, 52:7).
ii.               In the time of Jesus ministry the kingdom of God has come near Mark 1:15. By believing in Jesus and following him people could enter the kingdom. Many others were healed or fed and benefited from Jesus ministry. But even at that time the kingdom of God was not fully established because only not believed in Jesus received the kingdom. Many did nit believe in him and did not enter the kingdom.
iii.              It can be seen from Mark 9:1 that the kingdom of God will come in power. This happened through Jesus death resurrection and ascension and the coming  the Holy Spirit. Through these events the kingdom of God has been established fully way. But even at the time kingdom was not fully established. Till today many have rejected God's plan and have not entered his kingdom. The kingdom of God is still growing secretly.
iv.              At the time of Jesus second coming the kingdom of God will be fully established. At that time Jesus the Son of man will come in glory (Mark 8:38, 14:62).
4.   How is it possible to enter the kingdom of God?

                                We must make at least six responses:

a.        We must repent  (Mark 1:15).
b.       We must believe in the gospel (Mark 1:15).
c.       We must obey God's will (Mark 3:35).
d       We must pay attention to the word of God (Mark 4:24).
e.      We must become like children (Mark 10:14-15). Just as a child puts his  trust in others so  we  must put our trust in the grace of God alone. To such alone the kingdom of God belongs (Mark 10:14); such alone can receive the kingdom and enter it (Mark 10:15).
f.     We must follow Jesus in total commitment (Mark 8:34-38, 9:47, 10:21-23).

True or False ?

1.         The kingdom of God will come only at the end of this age.
2.         The kingdom of God could be seen through Jesus ministry.
3.         The kingdom of God was fully established through Jesus ministry.
4.         It is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God .
5.         The kingdom of God belongs to all children.
6.         God is king of Nepal.
7.         In Nepal the Kingdom of God has been fully established.
8.         All nepalis have entered the kingdom of God.

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