Seven Basic Techniques of Psychosocial Care

Seven Basic Techniques of Psychosocial Care

o  Relaxation and Recreation

o  Externalization of Interests

o  Social support

o  Active listening

o  Empathy

o  Ventilation

o  Spirituality
Principles of Psychosocial Support
o  Support system are crucial for recovery

o  Attitude of the caregiver
Psychosocial Intervention in post Disastrous Situation

o  Disaster mental health services must be uniquely tailored to the communities they serve.

o  Survivors respond to active interest and concern

o  Interventions must be appropriate to the phase of disaster

o  Most people pull themselves together during and after a disaster. However they function with less effectiveness

o  Daily living problems causes emotional reactions in many survivors.

o  No one who experience or witness the event is untouched by it.

o  Disaster stress and grief reaction are normal responses to an abnormal situation.

o  Disaster results in two types of trauma: Individual and Collective

A.Grief Counseling 

o  What is Grief?

o  Stages of Grief

Dental        Anger         Bargaining           Depression

o  Manifestations of Normal Grief

A.  Task of Mourning 

o  To accept the reality of the loss

o  To experience the pain of grief

o  To adjust to an environment with the deceased missing

B.  Facilitating uncomplicated grief

C.  Patterns of Abnormal Grieving 

o  Ambivalent grief

o  Chronic grief

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