What Does Jesus Expect of Us?

We learn two main things about this subject:
1. Jesus calls us to enter the kingdom of God
When Jesus begins to preach the gospel of the kingdom he says, "Repent, and believe in the gospel" (Mark 1:15). To enter the kingdom these two responses are needed: we must repent and we must believe.
a.    Repent. What is true repentance? Many are sorry that they are caught in an evil act because they will be punished. But this by itself is not true repentance. We must leave our sin and turn to God. We must give our life to Jesus and live a new life. This true repentance.
b.    Believe in the gospel. Jesus preaches the gospel of the kingdom of God and announces that God reigns, that Jesus is God's anointed king that Jesus is master of a person's whole life. We must believe all these things. In this present evil age it is not easy to see the kingdom of God. It is not clearly seen. We must accept by faith that God reigns.

2.  Jesus calls us to live our life as members of the kingdom of God. A member of God's kingdom is a disciple of Jesus. In these two ways we must be like Jesus:

a. We must learn Jesus attitudes and behavior:

i.               Do God's will Mark 3:35 Whoever does the will of God is a spiritual brother or sister of Jesus.
ii.            Lose one's own life Mark 8:34. If we have taken up our cross our life is finished because from now on it is not we who live but Christ who lives in us (Galatians 2:20). A disciple of Jesus should not do his own will. If have entered the kingdom of God we must obey the king.
iii.          Be humble and serve Mark 9:33-39. It is not good to desire to be great. Jesus does not serve himself but others. He sets us an example.
iv.            Give full allegiance to Jesus Mark 10:17-21. Just as Jesus fully obeys the will of God so we too must give our life to Jesus God's Messiah.
v.               Suffer and be persecuted Mark 10:29-30. If we love Jesus if we obey the will of God the world will hate us John 15:20. This is something we cannot avoid.

b.     We  must be involved in Jesus ministry. Jesus sent the twelve to preach the gospel cast out demons and heal the sick Mark 6:12-13,16:15-18. It is Jesus desire that we too should call people to enter the kingdom of God.

          True or false?
1.         True repentance is being sorry when we are caught in an act wrongdoing.
2.         By entering the kingdom of God we are protected from a life of suffering.
3.         Jesus wants all his disciples to become important people.
4.         Jesus wants all his disciples to become like himself.
5.         After believing in Jesus it is all right to do what we wish.
6.         We must lose our life and try to obey the will of God.
7.         It is easy to enter the kingdom of God.


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