Heart Attitude

I Love watching the skill and passion of great athletes as they give their all on the field. It shows their love for the game. Conversely when a long season is winding down and a team is already eliminated from any opportunity for championship or play off games. Sometimes it seems that the players are merely going though the motions Their lack of passion can be disappointing to fans who have paid to watch a good game.

Passion is a key aspect of our personal lives as well. Our heart attitude toward the Lord is revealed in how we serve Him. The apostle Paul said that our service includes the way we go about our daily work. In Ephesians 6:6-7  we read that we are to approach our work not with eye service as men pleases but as bond servants of Christ doing the will of God from the heart with good will doing service as to the Lord and not to men.

For me the Key in that serve is from the heart .I have a heavenly Father who loves me deeply and sacrificed his Son for me. How can I do anything less then give my very best for him? The passion to live for God that comes from the heart. “provides our best response to the One who has done so much for us.

Father every day offers opportunities for me to express my love for you. May the passion with which I live work serve and relate to others be a fitting expression of my grated for your love for me. In Jesus name Amen...
                            The Love of God motivates us to live for God.

A college student I met had recently placed her faith in Christ the described her initial life change this way: When I trusted Christ for salvation it felt like God reached down from heaven and pleased a new set set of eyes in my eye sockets. I could understand spiritual truth

It was moving to hear how her encounter with the savior brought new spiritual perception. But her experience is not unique. Everyone is endowed with spiritual sight when they trust Christ as their savior. Yet at times a fog rolls in and our spiritual vision becomes cloudy and unclear. That happens when we neglect our relationship with Him.

In Pauls fervent prayer for believers spiritual sight we see how important it is to fully appreciate all that God has done and will do for us thought Christ. He prayed that the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened that we may know what is the hope of his calling what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saintsEph 1:18

Each believe has given new eyes to discern spiritual truth. As we keep our hearts tuned to God. He will help us to see with our spiritual eyes all that he has given to us in Christ.

My soul within me yearns for thee till Christ  be fully formed in me Let love divine enlarge my heart Then all thy fullness Lord impart.  
                                        (I once was blind but now I see!) 

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What Does Jesus Expect of Us?

We learn two main things about this subject:
1. Jesus calls us to enter the kingdom of God
When Jesus begins to preach the gospel of the kingdom he says, "Repent, and believe in the gospel" (Mark 1:15). To enter the kingdom these two responses are needed: we must repent and we must believe.
a.    Repent. What is true repentance? Many are sorry that they are caught in an evil act because they will be punished. But this by itself is not true repentance. We must leave our sin and turn to God. We must give our life to Jesus and live a new life. This true repentance.
b.    Believe in the gospel. Jesus preaches the gospel of the kingdom of God and announces that God reigns, that Jesus is God's anointed king that Jesus is master of a person's whole life. We must believe all these things. In this present evil age it is not easy to see the kingdom of God. It is not clearly seen. We must accept by faith that God reigns.

2.  Jesus calls us to live our life as members of the kingdom of God. A member of God's kingdom is a disciple of Jesus. In these two ways we must be like Jesus:

a. We must learn Jesus attitudes and behavior:

i.               Do God's will Mark 3:35 Whoever does the will of God is a spiritual brother or sister of Jesus.
ii.            Lose one's own life Mark 8:34. If we have taken up our cross our life is finished because from now on it is not we who live but Christ who lives in us (Galatians 2:20). A disciple of Jesus should not do his own will. If have entered the kingdom of God we must obey the king.
iii.          Be humble and serve Mark 9:33-39. It is not good to desire to be great. Jesus does not serve himself but others. He sets us an example.
iv.            Give full allegiance to Jesus Mark 10:17-21. Just as Jesus fully obeys the will of God so we too must give our life to Jesus God's Messiah.
v.               Suffer and be persecuted Mark 10:29-30. If we love Jesus if we obey the will of God the world will hate us John 15:20. This is something we cannot avoid.

b.     We  must be involved in Jesus ministry. Jesus sent the twelve to preach the gospel cast out demons and heal the sick Mark 6:12-13,16:15-18. It is Jesus desire that we too should call people to enter the kingdom of God.

          True or false?
1.         True repentance is being sorry when we are caught in an act wrongdoing.
2.         By entering the kingdom of God we are protected from a life of suffering.
3.         Jesus wants all his disciples to become important people.
4.         Jesus wants all his disciples to become like himself.
5.         After believing in Jesus it is all right to do what we wish.
6.         We must lose our life and try to obey the will of God.
7.         It is easy to enter the kingdom of God.

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Why did Jesus Die on the Cross?

              At the beginning of the Gospel of Mark we read that Jesus is the Messiah (that is a king) and Son of God (1:1), that John the Baptist prepares the way of the Lord (1:2-3) and that the kingdom of God has come near (1:15). The reader of the Gospel has great expectations of  Jesus ministry. But where is the kingdom? What sort of king is Jesus? Sometimes Jesus greatness is seen but many things remain unclear. Through his miracles Jesus shows his power and authority and through the parables he teaches about the kingdom of God. But most people when they see the miracles and hear the parables do not understand who Jesus is and do not receive the kingdom of God.

                Furthermore we learn that Jesus did not come to be served but to serve  (Mark 10:45). What sort of king is he? Finally Jesus is crucified as a criminal. IF Jesus is God's anointed king why does he die on a cross?

What does Mark's Gospel teach about Jesus death? We see these two main points:

1. Jesus death is not an unexpected surprise
At the time of Jesus baptism the voice from heaven announces that Jesus is the Servant of the Lord with reference to Isaiah 42:1. What is the work of the Servant of the Lord? Isaiah says that the Servant's work is to carry our unrighteousness (Isaiah 53:4-6).From the beginning of Jesus ministry he knows that he must serve and suffer and die for the sins of others. 
From Mark 2:1 the Pharisees and other Jewish Leaders oppose Jesus. Though large crowds seek to see and hear Jesus there is also much opposition.

After peter confesses, "You are the Messiah" (Mark 8:29) Jesus Begins to give clear teaching about his death. Jesus does not want to die on the cross (Mark 14:36) but he knows that it is necessary for him to die. Is according to the will of God that Jesus must die on the cross.

2. Jesus death is not a failure of defeat
We learn the meaning of Jesus death from several passages of Mark's Gospel. It is not a great disaster but it is the means of many blessings.

i.               Mark 10:45 Jesus the Son of man has come to give his life as a ransom for many. The meaning of giving his life is that Jesus will die of his own will. We all need deliverance or salvation because we sinners are slaves of our sin. God must pay the ransom price so that we may receive forgiveness of sins. Jesus says that he himself pays the price of deliverance from sin by dying in our place.
ii.            Mark 14:23-24. Also at the Lord's Supper Jesus interprets his death. He says "This is body" and "This is my blood of the new covenant which is poured our for many." The blood of the lamb killed in Egypt protected the Israelites from God's judgment (Exodus 12:21-28, Especially verse 27). Similarly we are protected from God's judgment by Jesus death. After the Israelites came out of Egypt they came to Mount Sinai. There God made a covenant with them. At that time Moses sprinkled the blood of the sacrifice on the people (Exodus 24:1-8, especially verse 8). That blood was the blood of the old covenant. At the Lord's Supper Jesus says, "This cup (namely my death) is the blood of the new covenant." Because Jesus dies on the cross God makes a covenant for the forgiveness of  sins.
iii.           Mark 15:33. The darkness which covers the land is a symbol of God's judgment against sin. Because God is completely holy he cannot look at anything evil (Habakkuk 1:13). For that reason he cannot look at Jesus when he is carrying our sin on the cross.
iv.            Mark 15:38. The torn curtain of the temple is a symbol of Jesus victory. In the old temple the curtain prevented access into the most holy place (that is into God's presence). But now it is possible to come into God's presence because of Jesus death.
                     a.   Jesus death was an unexpected surprise.
                     b.  Jesus death was a failure.
                     c.  Jesus death paid the price to deliver sinners.
                    d. Though Jesus died on the cross he is a king.
                    e.  Jesus is like the lamb killed in Egypt.
               f. Only from Paul's teaching do we learn the meaning of Jesus death.

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What is the meaning of Kingdom of God?

In Mark's Gospel the kingdom of God is mentioned in the following verses: 1:15, 4:11,26,30, 9:1, 47, 10:14, 15, 23, 24, 25, 12:34, 14:25,  15:43.

1.   What is the kingdom of God?

The meaning of "Kingdom of God" id that God is king. Whenever and wherever God reigns that is the kingdom of God. Whoever accepts God as their king in that person's life the kingdom of God has come.

2.   What is the connection of the kingdom of God with Jesus?

Jesus announces that the kingdom of God has come near (Mark 1:15). The Kingdom has come near because Jesus himself has come. The kingdom of God is fully seen in the life of Jesus because fully obeys the will of God.

In Mark 3:23-27 Jesus work of establishing the kingdom is seen. By what power does Jesus cast out demons? In the opinion of the scribes it was by the power of Satan (verse 22). However it was not by the power of Satan but by the power of God that Jesus casts out demons. The strong man (verse 27) is Satan. By binding Satan Jesus is able to plunder his house. Wherever Jesus casts out demons and does other good works, there he binds Satan and establishes the kingdom of God.

In other ways as well the kingdom of God is seen is Jesus ministry. In Mark 2:5-7 Jesus forgives the man's sins and in 4:41 he calms the storm. He performs these acts by the power and authority of God.

3.   When does the kingdom of God come?
               This question can be answered in four ways:

i.                 From the beginning God has been king of this world and of the whole creation. This is the testimony of the Old Testament as in Psalm 93:10, 97:1. But also in the Old Testament another perspective is perspective is presented because the kingdom of God was not fully established at that time: only in the future would it be established (Psalm 2, Isaiah 24:23, 52:7).
ii.               In the time of Jesus ministry the kingdom of God has come near Mark 1:15. By believing in Jesus and following him people could enter the kingdom. Many others were healed or fed and benefited from Jesus ministry. But even at that time the kingdom of God was not fully established because only not believed in Jesus received the kingdom. Many did nit believe in him and did not enter the kingdom.
iii.              It can be seen from Mark 9:1 that the kingdom of God will come in power. This happened through Jesus death resurrection and ascension and the coming  the Holy Spirit. Through these events the kingdom of God has been established fully way. But even at the time kingdom was not fully established. Till today many have rejected God's plan and have not entered his kingdom. The kingdom of God is still growing secretly.
iv.              At the time of Jesus second coming the kingdom of God will be fully established. At that time Jesus the Son of man will come in glory (Mark 8:38, 14:62).
4.   How is it possible to enter the kingdom of God?

                                We must make at least six responses:

a.        We must repent  (Mark 1:15).
b.       We must believe in the gospel (Mark 1:15).
c.       We must obey God's will (Mark 3:35).
d       We must pay attention to the word of God (Mark 4:24).
e.      We must become like children (Mark 10:14-15). Just as a child puts his  trust in others so  we  must put our trust in the grace of God alone. To such alone the kingdom of God belongs (Mark 10:14); such alone can receive the kingdom and enter it (Mark 10:15).
f.     We must follow Jesus in total commitment (Mark 8:34-38, 9:47, 10:21-23).

True or False ?

1.         The kingdom of God will come only at the end of this age.
2.         The kingdom of God could be seen through Jesus ministry.
3.         The kingdom of God was fully established through Jesus ministry.
4.         It is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God .
5.         The kingdom of God belongs to all children.
6.         God is king of Nepal.
7.         In Nepal the Kingdom of God has been fully established.
8.         All nepalis have entered the kingdom of God.

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Why Does Jesus Teach in Parables?

1.  what is a parable?
When Jesus teaches he always uses parables (Mark 4:33-34).The activity of teaching in parables is an important part of Jesus ministry. But what is a parables? Some of the parables are short proverbs  (such as Mark 2:27, 19,21,22, 7:15) and some are long stories (such as Mark 4:1-9, 12:1-9). Many believers think that a parables is a simple story and that the meaning of a parables is easy to understand. By using parables Jesus makes hid teaching clear they say. But let us consider these other four questions.

2.  Is it easy in fact to understand the meaning of the parables? 

Certainly Jesus parables are simple stories but it is not easy to understand the meaning. For example, what is the meaning of the seed growing secretly  (Mark 4:26-29)?  "The kingdom of God is like…." Verse 26. But like what? Like the seed? Like the process of growing in secret?  Like the harvest? What is the meaning? Is it the contrast between present and future? Is it the contrast between the fact that we cannot make the seed grow and the fact that the seed will grow and produce a harvest? Is the meaning that the kingdom of God will certainly grow. Which of interpretation is correct? From this example we can see that it is not easy to interpret the parables.

3. What responses do people show when they hear Jesus Parables?

After Jesus has taught in parables he says "He who has a hearing ear  let him hear" (Mark 4:9, 23, 7:16). Many do not have a hearing ear. They hear the parables but they do not understand the meaning and they do not want to understand. Others though not understanding the meaning want to understand. They ask Jesus and discover the meaning (Mark 4:10-11, 7:17). Generally the disciples also do not understand but they ask Jesus (Mark 4:10, 7:17-18). Others by not asking remain "outside" (Mark 4:11).

4. What is Jesus purpose in teaching in parables?

Jesus purpose is to reveal the truth about the kingdom of God. To those who want to learn the truth the parables reveal it, but they must ask. Then it was necessary to ask Jesus. Now we must ask the Holy Spirit.
But Jesus knows that not everyone is interested in learning the truth. Many only want to see miracles but they do not want to learn about God. To such people a parable is only a story. On one occasion Jesus told the parable of the lost son (Luke 15:11-32). We know that this parable teaches about God's great love and grace but many of those listening to Jesus this parable is only a story about a father and his two sons. They hear the parable but do not understand the meaning. Jesus parables hide the truth from such hearers.

5.  In that case why does Jesus not teach in plain language?

Why does Jesus use parables? Did Jesus come into this world to hide the truth? The parables do indeed hide the truth from some but it is not Jesus  purpose to hide the truth. To others the parables reveal the truth. To those who want to know the truth the parables make the truth clear but from those who do not want to know the truth the parables hide the truth. Through Jesus parables people can discover the truth but he does not compel people to accept the truth. A parables is a test. Does a person want to know the truth or not? In order to obtain the answer to this question Jesus teaches in parables.

True or False?

1.         Most people easily understood Jesus parables
2.         When Jesus taught he always used parables.
3.         Many heard but did not truly understand Jesus parables.
4.         Only Jesus twelve disciples asked about the parables.
5.         By using parables Jesus revealed the truth.
6.         By using parables Jesus hid the truth.
7.         By using parables Jesus wanted to hide the truth.
8.         Only with spiritual insight is it possible to understand the meaning of Jesus parables.

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Why Dose Jesus Perform Miracles?

1. Is it possible to be miracles?
Some unbelievers today think that Jesus did not perform miracles. It is not possible, They say to do miracles because such actions are contrary order. But what is this natural order? It is God's order God created all things God is the ruler of his own world. Whatever is according to his will he can do. If Jesus is God's Son, he too can miracles though the power of God. In fact in the time of Jesus ministry even his enemies accepted that he preformed miracles .

2. What types of miracles does Jesus do?
     He  does four types of Miracles :
1.         He heals the sick (Mark 1:30-31, 1:40-45, 2:1-12, 3:1-6, 5:25-35. 7:32-37, 8:22-26, 10:46-52).
2.         He casts out unclean spirits and demons (Mark 1:23-27, 5:1-20, 7:24-30, 9:14-27).
3.         He raises the dead (Mark 5:35-43).
4.         He exercises power over the natural order (Mark 4:35-41, 6:35-44,6:47-52, 8:1-10).

3. What incorrect explanations of  Jesus miracles are offered? These two views are incorrect :

1.         Jesus  performs miracles to prove his divine nature.
2.         Jesus performs miracles to win disciples.

As we look at the Gospels we can learn that views are wrong. Note the following points:
(a)        Many times after performing a miracle Jesus give the command to deep quiet (Mark 1:44,5:43, 7:36, 8:26). He does not publicise his miracles. He does not want people to accept him publicise to all their problems. But he wants them to repent and turn to God. This is the gospel which Jesus preached. He did not preach the gospel of healing.
(b)            Jesus refuses to give a sign to the Pharisees who ask for proof (Mark 8:11-12).
(c)           What reactions do people show when they see Jesus miracles? Most People neither become Jesus disciple nor believe in him after they see a miracle. Jesus enemies say "The demon Beelzebul is in him and though the ruler of the demons he casts out demons" (Mark 3:22).

Others are amazed or afraid when they see a miracle (Mark 1:27, 2:12, 4:41, 5:15, 5:20, 5:42, 6:50-51, 7:37) In the Gospel of Mark only twice is a response of faith produced by a miracle of Jesus. The man called Legion and the blind beggar Bartimaeus want to follow Jesus (Mark 5:18, 10:52).

4.What is the correct interpretation of Jesus miracles? 
i.                Jesus miracles show the truth about him. They do not compel a person to believe in Jesus. However to the one with eyes to see miracles reveal the truth. The disciples ask "Who is this?" (Mark 4:41). If they had eyes to see they would have been able to give the correct answer to their own question. But among those who saw Jesus miracles most not have spiritual insight.
ii.               Jesus miracles reveal the kingdom of God. In the Kingdom of God there will be no illness, no death, no hunger or thirst, no evil. Everything will be good (Revelation 21:3-4, 22:3). Whenever Jesus performs a miracle, he destroys evil and changes something bad into something good. In this way Jesus gives a brief glimpse of the kingdom of God. But at that time the kingdom of God was not fully established: Jesus did not heal every sick person  or feed everyone who was hungry or raise all the dead. Jesus ministry was only the first fruits of  the kingdom of God.

True or False?
1.         It was impossible for Jesus to perform miracles.
2.         Generally Jesus disciples did not understand the meaning of the miracles.
3.         Many believed in Jesus when they saw one his miracles.
4.         Many believed that Jesus was God's Son when they saw one of his miracles.
5.         By performing miracles Jesus revealed the kingdom of  God .
6.         The main purpose of Jesus ministry was to heal the sick.
7.         Jesus tried to win disciples through his miracles.
8.         Jesus cast out demons through the power of Satan.
9.         Only with spiritual insight is it possible to understand Jesus miracles.
     10    By performing miracles Jesus fully established the kingdom of God.

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